Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Kitchen Kind of Day!

I am going to start posting again to this blog, but rather than just food photos, I am going to write about tiny "adventures" I try to get into each day! So, without further adieu, I headed into my kitchen this afternoon, where I spent hours dancing around and making creations... and ohhh was it hot and fun and smelly!
(Tomorrow I am heading back to the sheep farm/creamery I am interning at, where there is nothing but adventures to be had! I have a whole list of firsts for me that I have been compiling. These farm adventures include such calming moments like seeing a lamb being born, shoveling sheep poop, bottle feeding lambs, cutting metal with a saw, and having cuddle/sun time with #41. What?! It is amazing!!)

But for today, my kitchen creations included:

Robin's Granola! Yes... I tried my hand at my mother's old ass recipe and it is good! Ingredients included Rolled Oats, Flaxseed Meal, Raisins, Cinnamon, Sunflower Seeds, Grape Seed Oil, Honey, and Vanilla.
Roasted Chick Peas/Garbanzo Beans with Pink Sea Salt and Curry Power! Shazam!

Pickled Carrots with Star Anise and Thai Chilies
Just a spot of Guacamole with Roasted Garlic, Lemon Juice, and fresh Cilantro!

Now off to make my version of Huevos Rancheros for dinner! Have a wonderful evening!